bangsa islandia bahasa Inggris
- bangsa: nation; nationality; race; race (human
- islandia: iceland; icelandic; republic of iceland
- resolusi dewan keamanan perserikatan bangsa-bangsa tentang islandia: united nations security council resolutions concerning iceland
- Through the signing of the Old Covenant in 1262, following the civil strife of the Age of the Sturlungs, Icelanders had relinquished sovereignty to Haakon IV, King of Norway.
Melalui penandatanganan Perjanjian Lama pada tahun 1262, setelah konflik sipil Zaman Sturlung, bangsa Islandia menyerahkan kedaulatannya kepada Haakon IV, Raja Norwegia. - According to the Sagas of Icelanders, he established a Norse settlement at Vinland, tentatively identified with the Norse L'Anse aux Meadows on the northern tip of Newfoundland in modern-day Canada.
Menurut Saga bangsa Islandia, ia mendirikan sebuah pemukiman Norse di Vinland, yang didefinisikan dengan L'Anse aux Meadows di ujung utara Newfoundland di Kanada pada saat ini.